June 21, 2019 – September 1, 2019
Call and Response: A Matter of Perspective is the seventh annual collaboration between the Fitchburg Art Museum and ArtsWorcester. This exhibition will feature ten works from FAM’s permanent collection and a single work by each of the ten selected ArtsWorcester members. This year’s selection features artwork by ArtsWorcester members: Eugenie Lewalski Berg, Eli Brown, Christine Croteau, Madge Evers, Nathan Fiske, Angela Kelly, Haley Marchant, Kat O’Connor, Amanda Kidd Schall, and John Wesley Small.
Through this collaboration, ArtsWorcester members were invited to respond to this year’s theme: perspective. Determined by one’s point of reference, perspective can express an internal logic or a physical viewpoint. It can be distorted and made malleable by our personal and collective experiences, memory, and ways of thinking. A Matter of Perspective includes artworks that creatively engage the theme through technique and subject matter.

Kat O’Connor, Five Dreams of Water, 2018, conte and graphite on paper, 22” x 30”, Courtesy of the artist

John Wesley Small, Lost in the Summer, 2018, oil and acrylic on canvas, 40” x 30”, Courtesy of the artist

Kuba people, possibly Lele sub-group (Democratic Republic of the Congo), Double Cup, 20th century, wood, 7 ½” x 5 ¾” x 3”, Gift of the Genevieve McMillan – Reba Stewart Foundation, FAM Permanent Collection, FAM 2010.27