February 12, 2022-June 5, 2022

Frank Armstrong, Coshocton, OH, 2019, digital print. Courtesy of the artist.
Frank Armstrong is an important American landscape photographer who has spent the last twenty-one years teaching at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. American Roadsides is a survey of Armstrong’s recent digital color photographs, which reveal aspects of the American character by focusing on interactions between material culture (mainly, architecture, consumer products, and advertising) and the grandeur—and banality—of landscapes across our country.
To celebrate Armstrong’s work as an educator, American Roadsides also includes recent bodies of work by seven of his former students, all successful fine arts photographers who have been profoundly affected by Frank’s teaching and practice: Russell Banks, Sarah Bilotta Belclaire, Rachel Loischild, Greer Muldowney, Jasper Muse, Eric Nichols, and Catherine Wilcox-Titus.
This exhibition is supported in part by the Simonds Lecture Fund and by a grant from the Artist’s Resource Trust.
Click the link to watch Clark University’s Story on Frank Armstrong and the American Roadside.
Conversation Cafe with Frank Armstrong:
Conversation Cafe with Frank Armstrong has been postponed, please keep an eye out for the rescheduled dated and time.
Join featured photographer Frank Armstrong for a discussion about his inspiration and techniques. This event is being offered in person as well as online.
Register for the in-person event.
Register for a link to attend the event virtually.
FAM Members FREE, non-members FREE with admission, and students FREE with ID. Space is limited and available on a first-come, first-serve basis. All event guests will be required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination to enter the Museum. Masks must be worn by all visitors over the age of 5. Refreshments will be provided.
Media Sponsor:
(Top Right) Frank Armstrong, Carmi, Illinois, 2012, archival pigment print. Courtesy of the artist.
(Lower Right) Frank Armstrong, Morris, Indiana, 2019, archival pigment print. Courtesy of the artist.
Read the exhibition catalogue to learn more.

(Left) Rachel Loischild, Deer Island, Boston, MA, 2020, inkjet pigment print from 4×5 scan. Courtesy of the artist.
(Right) Sarah Bilotta Belclaire, Untitled, 2015, archival inkjet print. Courtesy of the artist.

(Left) Russell Banks, Solarium, 2018, archival digital inkjet print. Courtesy of the artist.
(Right) Catherine Wilcox-Titus, White House, Lunenburg, Massachusetts, 2019, digital archival print on Epson Legacy Platine. Courtesy of the artist.

(Left) Eric Nichols, Electrical Boxes and Switch, 2021, archival inkjet print. Courtesy of the artist.
(Right) Greer Muldowney, Untitled (Monetary Violence), 2017–2020, archival inkjet print. Courtesy of the artist.

Jasper Muse, Untitled, 2018, inkjet print. Courtesy of the artist.