We invite you to belong to our FAMily! You can discover Ancient Egypt, explore Africa, evoke our founder Eleanor Norcross, or see something completely new in our changing contemporary exhibitions. Linger in our Learning Lounges where you can write your name in hieroglyphics, design an African mask, or try out the techniques used to create the art hanging in our galleries. Celebrate spring and enjoy one of our most popular events of the year, Art in Bloom. There is always fun at FAM!
Your membership will support our commitment to learning, creativity, and community building as well as provide you with free admission, discounts, events and more.
All FAM Members Enjoy:
Unlimited free admission to FAM
Invitations to programs, lectures, and special events
Timely information about FAM programs via email and snail mail
Reduced rates on workshops, classes, and events
20% discount on Museum Gift Shop purchases

Individual – $40
- Membership benefits for one adult.
Student / Senior – $25
- Membership benefits for a full-time student or one adult age 62 or over.
Family/Household – $60
- Membership benefits for immediate family and members of the same household.
- EBT, WIC, and ConnectorCare card holders are eligible to purchase our Family/Household membership for $5. We offer this option in partnership with the Massachusetts Cultural Council‘s Card to Culture program to improve health and well-being through cultural participation. Use code C2C at checkout.
Contributor – $125
- Family/Household Membership benefits plus:
Two complimentary guests when accompanied by member.
Reciprocal benefits at nearly 900 North American Reciprocal Museum Association museums
- Family/Household Membership benefits plus:
Donor – $250
- Contributor Membership benefits plus:
Wall Calendar
Listing in Annual Report
- Contributor Membership benefits plus: